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illustration of colorful group of people

Mental Health in Our Community

by Richard Cox

The Health District’s 2022 Community Health Survey found broad declines in mental health for Larimer County adults, with younger adults*, those with lower income**, and LGBTQ+ residents facing the greatest challenges.

image of colorful bar graph showing percent of respondents experiencing 10 or more days of poor mental health in the previous month: All adults-20%; Younger adults-32%; Lower income-33%; LGBTQ+-51%

Among all adults, respondents reported experiencing 4.5 days of poor mental health per month, an increase of one day from 2019.

image of calendar with 4.5 days marked with sad faces

Mental health diagnoses are increasing. More adults say that they've been diagnosed with a mental health disorder.

image of blue arrow going up with statistics on it. Diagnosed with a mental health disorder: 2019-30%; 2022-37%

A quarter of adults say they cannot afford to get the help they need.

Image of 100 blue people icons with 25 the color orange. 25% do not get help due to cost.

Social isolation

12% of adults rarely or never have someone to:

  • Confide in
  • Have a good time with
  • Take them to a doctor

Adults from households with lower incomes are nearly twice as likely to have reported struggling with these social interactions.

More health data available

The 2022 Community Health Survey was a random survey with responses from 2,700 adults in Larimer County who completed the survey in writing or online in the spring and summer of 2022. For more key findings from this survey, visit

* Younger adults refers to adults ages 18-34
** Lower income refers to households whose income is 250% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or below. In 2022, that amount was $33,975 or less for an individual, or $69,375 or less for a family of 4.


Images: alf255/iStock/GetyImagesPlus; A-Digit/DigitalVisionVestors/GettyImages; spawns/iStock/GettyImagesPlus